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Kritis itu kira2 model berfikir yang berdasarkan nalar (logical) dan realita (empirical) untuk menghasilkan pemikiran yang mandiri (independent), mencerahkan (enlightening) dan membebaskan (liberating). Disebut nalar (logical) karena masuk akal. Hal2 yang dipikirkan itu ada hubungan sebab akibat yang runut/tertib (systematic). Disebut realita (empirical) karena hal2 yang masuk akal itu nyata terbukti terjadi. Jadi tidak mengada-ada. Semua bisa dibuktikan. Jadi ada data valid dari lapangan. Disebut mandiri (independent) karena tidak terpengaruh oleh pikiran lain. Maksudnya, kekuatan nalar logika yang berdasar pada realita di lapangan itu kalau digunakan dengan sungguh-sungguh akan membuahkan pemikiran yang mandiri. Disebut mencerahkan (enlightening) karena hasil pemikirannya memberikan penerangan kepada sekelilingnya. Hasil pemikiriannya tidak hanya untuk diri sendiri tetapi juga untuk orang2 yang ada disekelilingnya. Disebut membebaskan (liberating) karena hasil pemikirannya bisa membe...

Bluffing: Ngibul Gedebus

When asked about Indonesian bureaucrats habitually deceiving people, a friend of mine replied "Why asking? you know ... that's their daily work. They fill the job to deceive us." Se seemed amazed that considered a person familiar with Indonesian culture by conducting major research for a dissertation, I still disputed the demeanor of Indonesian bureaucrats. I must have not quizzed such a question for such deception, to his knowledge, is deliberately done every day. You know Wahidah Sueib, don't you? As a vice deputy of BAWASLU (Badan Pengawas Pemilu), her face can be found in every media almost every day for almost every bureaucrat has been pretty occupied with election while the people like to follow its news closely. Reported by (03.06.09) she said: "Kami ingin mengadakan ... pembekalan ... tidak dilakukan dengan datang ke luar negeri tetapi dengan cara ... pembekalan jarak jauh melalui internet." She said that she would rather use internet as a ...


Iya Bravo BAWASLU dan Congrat ya pada Pokja Waslu yang telah merelokasi peserta BIMTEK Waslu LN dari Sydney ke Kuala Lumpur dan regrouping peserta dari Singapura, Brunei dan Davao City yang awalnya dikelompokkan di Seoul dipindah ke Kuala Lumpur. Ini semua dilakukan dengan mulya dengan menjunjung tinggi kepentingan bangsa dan negara mengappresiasi kepentingan hakat rakyat banyak yaitu perlunya effisiensi anggaran. I thought all Indonesia bureaucrats were close-minded. Well, my assumption has just turned to be wrong for few or even some are open-minded, are bright and intelligent for bright and better Indonesia. My appreciation goes to you BAWASLU and Pokja Waslu LN. See you all in Kuala Lumpur on 20 June 2009.


Anggaran ... he he he ... hari gini kok bicara anggaran. Others have successfully flown to space several times partly due to well-managed budget, we ridicule ourselves with budgeting for pointless activities. Well, the story commences with BAWASLU and Pokja Waslu Deplu RI who will on 20-21 June 2009 carry out BIMTEK (a short training) on presidential election supervision in Sydney for Sydney, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kinabalu, Kuching and Johor Baru-based WASLU LN. Other BIMTEK will also be conducted in four cities, i.e. SEOUL (for Tokyo, Seoul, Hongkong, Taipei, Singapore, Brunei and Davao City-based WASLU LN), NEW YORK (for New York and Los Angeles-based WASLU LN), LONDON (for Den Haag, London and Frankfurt-based WASLU LN) and CAIRO (for Cairo, Jeddah, Riyadh, Kuwait and Dubai-based WASLU LN). This BIMTEK is to train members of WASLU LN (overseas-based team for supervising election) to monitor and supervise presidential election due on 8 July 2009. The question to be raised h...

Jilbab during presidential campaign

Jilbab (جلباب) is a term frequently used to refer to long and loose garment worn by some muslimah (muslim women) to cover entire body except for hand, feet, face and head. The practice of wearing the jilbab is based on Qur'an 33: 59: يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُل لِّأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِن جَلَابِيبِهِنَّ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَن يُعْرَفْنَ فَلَا يُؤْذَيْنَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا In Indonesia, however, jilbab is much more designated to headscarf. The verse does not state explicitly how the jilbab does look like. Therefore, various interpretations on the model associated with jilbab are expected. Well, here I will not plunge into sorts of exegesis controversy. I just want to express my opinion on the issue of jilbab and politics which has currently become a hot topic approaching the presidential election due on 8 July 2009. We know already three candidates will compete in the incoming presidential election. They are SBY-Boedi...

Ra Patek'en

When you are in situation, in which you already show up that you work hard for a set of goal outlined by your organization or company, you indeed sacrifice your main work, yet people surrounding you in the workplace not praise but rail against everything you do, what will you say? Indubitably, "ra patek'en" is the word coming out of your mouth. Suharto, the second president of Indonesia, said the word "Ra patek'en ra dadi presiden" when he was blatantly casted aspersions on not managing the country well against the financial and economic crisis in 1997. Yet, he had worked hard to sail the country amidst social and political turmoil arising from worsening economic crisis. Still, people blamed him for everything he did for the country. Aku juga sih ... I am given mandate to monitor and supervise the presidential election. But, those who give me the mandate never direct and support me how to handle the job while the institution I rely all my work on is yet su...


How would you feel when your boss asked you to do something but he deliberately did not give you a tool to make it happen. Publicly, he told everyone that you were delegated to do some work. But, privately he intimidated you not to do such work. Ini namanya cari muka dengan cara membenamkan muka bawahan. A monkey business, isn't it? You are thus likely to feel 'jengah.' In that situation, you might have courage to tell your boss that he as the captain deliberately attempted to save his own life while letting the whole passengers drawn to die. Well ... who care, the boss might have whispered. He simply wanted to get promotion with any means. That's typical of Bento said Iwan Fals who popularized such song. "Bisnisku menjagal. Jagal apa saja. Yang penting aku menang. Persetan orang susah karena aku. Yang penting asik. Sekali lagi asik." Who care of others. He knows he may have accidentally slaughtered others for he needs to win whatever it takes. Ada ya orang ...