When you are in situation, in which you already show up that you work hard for a set of goal outlined by your organization or company, you indeed sacrifice your main work, yet people surrounding you in the workplace not praise but rail against everything you do, what will you say? Indubitably, "ra patek'en" is the word coming out of your mouth.
Suharto, the second president of Indonesia, said the word "Ra patek'en ra dadi presiden" when he was blatantly casted aspersions on not managing the country well against the financial and economic crisis in 1997. Yet, he had worked hard to sail the country amidst social and political turmoil arising from worsening economic crisis. Still, people blamed him for everything he did for the country.
Aku juga sih ... I am given mandate to monitor and supervise the presidential election. But, those who give me the mandate never direct and support me how to handle the job while the institution I rely all my work on is yet suspicious with my job. So, excuse me to say "ra patek'en ra dadi waslu."