A day after Golkar's 58th anniversary on October 21, 2022, the moment when Surya Paloh was uncomfortable when Jokowi said that we should not be reckless in submitting a presidential candidate, Paloh gathered several professors at the Nasdem Tower. Paloh felt that there was nothing wrong with Anies' presidential candidacy. In addition, Anies had experience in the government, once a governor, which means he understood well the government bureaucracy. Still, according to Paloh, Anies was not a foreign stooge either. In the past, Paloh nominated Ahok, and now he appoints Anies. He wanted his maneuver seen to unite the nation's children from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. Therefore, according to Paloh, only people who personally didn't like Anies said that Anies' candidacy was of reckless nomination. Nevertheless, nominating Anies as a presidential candidate was unsuitable for several reasons. First, Anies is a racist! He deliberately used religious issues ...